A change in frequency
Residency research (DesignRegio Kortrijk) -2024

Light interacts with materials in various ways, it reflects off surfaces, bends when passing through transparent substances, or causes matter to emit light, as seen in radiant materials composed of nanostructures. Captivated by the visual experience, structural complexity, and rhythm of traditional Belgian Damask, a reversible, patterned fabric woven in monochromatic designs using warp-faced satin and weft-faced sateen weaves, Julie saw in this traditional technique the potential to amplify and make visible the nanostructures.

A change in frequency explores structural weavings that shift dynamically based on the viewer's perception and position. The research draws on phenomena like the moiré motion effect and slit animation, which mimic the behaviour of microstructures. By combining hand weaving with computer-assisted weaving, the project investigates the value of collaboration between traditional crafts and cutting-edge technology to create new materialities with complex structural weaves.